Christian Rosenthal
Ramblings of a proud amateur

Why I decided to launch my blog now

An article about self-discovery and finding ways to get out of my comfort zone.

First, let me introduce myself:

christian rosenthal's profile picture

Hi everyone! My name is Christian Rosenthal. I was born in Ecuador 🇪🇨 and have been living in Canada 🇨🇦 for almost 5 years now. Ever since I got here, I’ve been working as an account director at Believeco (formerly Zync).


Ok, with introductions out of the way let’s talk about the real stuff… I’ve known that I wanted to start a blog for some time (and no, it’s not the first time). But probably, like others that had the same thought, I had many, many, many doubts and questions:

  • What if nobody likes what I have to say?
  • What am I going to write about? (I still have no clue…)
  • Don’t I need to be an “expert” to write about anything?
  • Why would someone want to read my blog?
  • How am I going to find the time to do it?

So I did what any millennial would do in this day and age. I asked Google:

how to write your first blog post

After reading for some time and, of course, getting overwhelmed by the sheer number of articles about writing your first blog post that I found, I thought to myself:

I have made a huge mistake meme

I’m never going to start unless I find a reason to write... and looking for it online won’t help at all.

Why would I want to write a blog about anything?

I asked myself that question multiple times in the last couple of months. But, what would I write about? I don’t like to think of myself as an expert on anything. Why? Because I feel there is always something new out there you can learn.

That’s all any of us are: amateurs. We don’t live long enough to be anything else.

Charlie Chaplin

Yes, we are all amateurs. That is so true.

So, this time, I am looking at this from another angle. I am not here to talk about myself. I am here to inspire people to learn new things (or die trying)!

I was a university professor for 10+ years a while back, so helping people find their inspiration was part of my day-to-day life. I want that back. There is something so refreshing about helping people achieve their goals, helping people learn something new, helping people become better amateurs.

And yes, I know that “we’re all terrified of being revealed as amateurs”, as Austin Kleon says in his amazing book “Show your work“. I know that because I am, but there’s something that tells me that I don’t need to be anymore.

By the way, in French, the word amateur means “lover”. I find that so interesting!

Therefore, here I am, trying to bring my inner amateur out, and help others the best way I can.

Selfishly, I also gotta say; I am also starting this project to get out of my comfort zone. I keep telling people that I am not a writer, that I don’t know how to write, that I don’t like to write… and on top of that, there is the matter of the language—keep in mind that my native language is NOT English: Mi lengua nativa es el Español (My native language is Spanish).

What now? The conlcusion?

Well… after this long introduction, there’s still the looming question: What am I going to write about?

To be honest, I don’t fully know. Only the future will tell.

What I do know is that I love:

  • 👨🏻‍💻 technology
  • 👨🏻‍🏫 teaching (I kinda miss this)
  • 💡 inspiring people
  • 🌟 learning about innovative trends
  • 🕹 maybe even videogames (my guilty pleasure 🙊)

If you’ve gone through this entire post, I just want to say THANKS! And of course, if you want to say something, please share it in the comments section. Further to that, if you know someone that has struggled with the same thoughts, please share it with them.

Sharing is caring! ❤️


  1. Yo estoy en las mismas mi querido Oliver. He pasado procrastinando por mucho tiempo y espero empezar a tomar mas en serio mi carrera. PD. Yo tambien he sufrido de sindrome del impostor 🙁
    Saludos desde Holanda!

  2. Oliver! Que chevere volver a saber de ustedes!!! Seguiré su blog y el canal de Marcia! 😊 un abrazo enorme desde Ecuador! PS: estoy segura que todos sus alumnos lo extrañan también! Que pena que a mi ñaña ya no le tocó con ustedes! Son grandes maestros!

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